Leveraging on its extensive understanding of the Malaysian market and challenges faced by transporters in the country, Shell Malaysia has been helping fleet and business owners prepare for the implementation of the Skim Kawalan Diesel Bersubsidi 2.0 (SKDS 2.0) since the announcement on 7 March 2024 by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN).
Speaking to over 250 transport industry leaders at a Hari Raya celebratory event recently, Shell Fleet Solutions Malaysia General Manager, Joanna Lean, said that Shell is ready and has the expertise and an experienced account management team to help fleet owners of all sizes prepare for SKDS 2.0.
“At Shell, we believe that the human touch is reassuring, especially when one is navigating an unfamiliar path. Our experienced specialists are ready to provide guidance in the two-step SKDS process. Firstly, businesses should promptly apply for their diesel subsidy quota through the MySubsidi portal at to avoid any bottlenecks. Secondly, apply for a Shell Card to be entitled for the subsidised diesel price,” she said.
Businesses have a choice of two types of diesel subsidy cards from Shell that are SKDS 2.0-ready. The first option that is the postpaid Shell Card, backed by the Shell Fleet Hub, a one-stop online card management portal and 24/7 customer support. fleet owners who desire a quick and simple application can opt for the Shell Cash Card for subsidised diesel that is catered primarily for small medium enterprises (SMEs).

According to her, there is also a special welcome package for new sign-ups during this period. With more than 1,000 strategically located Shell retail stations nationwide, it is an added advantage for fleet operators who seek convenience.
Encik Zainee bin Awang Damit, SME owner of Pengangkutan Z&M, prefers the Shell Cash Card for subsidised diesel because of the convenience, flexibility and friendly service from his favourite Shell station. The Shell Cash Card for subsidised diesel does not require any prepayment and allows customers to enjoy Bonuslink loyalty points with each refuel.
Port Klang-based Perceptive Logistics Sdn Bhd, who participated in the recent Government SKDS 2.0 pilot programme that started on 1 February 2024, described the experience as unfamiliar but appreciated the support by the respective parties.
“We are glad to have Shell supporting us throughout this pilot, given our complex fleet operations of more than 250 prime movers with branches throughout Peninsular Malaysia. There’s peace of mind working with the Shell team. Their experienced account manager and customer service team ensured that we were quickly onboarded with the Pilot project for MySubsidi Diesel, which is crucial to our business in an industry where margins are razor-thin,” said General Manager, Haulage Division, Annie Goh.